Our wall murals and photo wallpaper are customised to your desired size.
You can even create a personalised mural from your own image.

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Sticker VS Wallpaper

Wall sticker are everywhere and have been for at least 5 years. They are usually made of vinyl & PVC, but they don’t always damage walls when being removed like wallpaper can. Friendly embossing wallpaper with all real paper instead of PVC, avoid for peel off after couple of month, DIY easy installation method with pre-paste glue, also include Flame retardant function. Which one wins? Read below some contradistinction on between sticker & wallpaper.


Invisible Joining Line

Sticker Join with Overlap

Wallpaper Join with no Overlap


Cover Unsmooth Wall

Sticker unable to cover all texture on the wall

Wallpaper totally cover all texture on the wall


Reflection and Base Color

Wallpaper with warm base color & 100% non reflection under the light. Sticker with limited base color & reflection under the light even on matte laminated



Sticker made by PVC or Vinyl, shrink at the edges will happen after couple of month